Nuclear Weapons and International Law - book website
Welcome to the website associated with the book Nuclear Weapons and International Law - 3rd edition published on 8th August 2020, the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Nuremberg Charter which was a major development of international law bringing individuals within the scope of international penal law; no longer can individuals involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity, and several other violations of international law hide behind states, alliances, superior order, religion, and so forth.
This book website provides a platform to discuss legal aspects of nuclear weapons. Enjoy exploring the contents and participating in a variety of activities.
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This website and forum are under development and planned updates should happen by the end of October 2020. All ideas and suggestions welcome.
First Visits
If this is your first visit to this book website, hopefully you already have the book as a key resource to understand the key principles of international law which apply to nuclear weapons.
Explore the site and what it has to offer. Register to be able to participate in the discussions. Newtwork with others working in the field.
Lawyers and Activists
Lawyers will find this book a very useful assembly in one place, of many key principles applying to nuclear weapons, relevant treaties, either reproduced in full, or signposting (this website has signposting also), the origins of more recent developments in international law. Lawyers will also find commentary about the application of international law.
Activists will find this book an important source of material to support anti nuclear weapons activism. Nuclear weapons are unlawful in international law whatever the nuclear weapons states may say to rationalize their illegal activities.
Read more: Lawyers and Activists